When we choose to listen to the Lord, we take the best path. Spending our time at the feet of Christ is the best choice, and nothing else matters when we have this closeness to Him. In Luke 10, we see God clearly express this truth to Martha and Mary.... read more →
God does not measure your faith by its size; He just wants your complete surrender. All your faith placed in Him. I want to invite you to pray together so that the Lord teaches us more and more about this faith and surrender. Remembering that you don't need to pray... read more →
Difficult times do not mean little faith. Walking with God does not make us immune to difficulties and pain. But God taught us in the Bible the difference it makes to be with Him, walking in His footsteps. Faith in the lion's den "Therefore everyone who hears these words of... read more →
There are dreams that are aligned with God's, others that walk outside of God's footsteps, and even those that are blessed by the Lord but become wrong dreams because we seek them incorrectly, far from God's teachings. I want to invite you to pray together at this moment so that... read more →
I've read a lot about frustrated dreams, when we think that God doesn't care about what our heart desires and does everything to do the opposite. Only later do I realize how this is a response from a spoiled child. We do not seek to understand the Father's will and... read more →
Previously, I talked to you about focusing on the structure of the building, laying the foundation, and strengthening the house. Shall we pray about this today? So that we can stand on the firm rock that is Jesus. Remembering that you don't need to pray exactly as I'm going to... read more →
Human beings have always cared about what can be seen. We have observed beauty standards for people and places being imposed since ancient times, and we tend to focus more on that than on who we are inside and what we do when no one is watching. But who are... read more →
God wants to purify us like gold, making us a mirror of who He is. To do this, we need to allow Him the freedom in our lives to act as He desires. Shall we pray together about this? Remembering that you don't need to pray exactly as I'm going... read more →
The Bible tells us in several passages that God fashions us like new vessels and purifies His people like gold and silver. While studying and listening to some sermons on this, I found a deeper meaning on the subject: the way gold looks after going through the fire. Separated For... read more →
In the previous text, we talked about being free from ties and things in our hands that take up space, making it impossible for us to receive what God has for us. Today, I want to pray with you about this, to be available to God. Remembering that you don't... read more →