Lord, teach me to live with the same humble heart that Christ demonstrated. May I reflect His character in every action, serving with love and simplicity, placing others above myself,... read more →
Sometimes we feel so tired, and what we hear most from people is about the weariness of daily life. But there are many who are exhausted, thinking that by being... read more →
Father, You teach us so much! You left Your Word and teachings so that we could follow in Your footsteps. Your zeal for the temple, as described in Matthew 21,... read more →
The same zeal with which Jesus cleansed the temple in the story of Matthew 21 is necessary to purify the church today. We are called to this—to be purified and... read more →
The World and the Kingdom Need More "Burning Bushes." Regardless of the area where your calling lies or the "title" you hold, it's necessary to be more than just a... read more →
When the end of the year approaches, we reflect deeply on what has passed and what lies ahead for the next steps. But to move forward into the new, we... read more →
At times, we will face the opportunity to remain stagnant and stuck, to revisit the past and reopen a wound, or to move forward. In those moments, we must make... read more →
Today, I want to invite you to join me in prayer about our identity in Christ. Let us seek to remain as children who speak to everyone about the love... read more →
What Is Your Identity as a Follower of Christ? Light and Salt “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be... read more →
You need to make your future respect you, but there is a right way to do that. It's necessary for you to reflect on your steps and work on your... read more →