The life of Jesus is a perfect example for us in every way—especially in humility and during moments of suffering and injustice. Christ left us a model to follow, serving... read more →
Beloved Lord, I thank You because, in Your infinite goodness, You offer me a light path and an easy burden. Help me to lay the weights of my heart in... read more →
Father, You teach us so much! You left Your Word and teachings so that we could follow in Your footsteps. Your zeal for the temple, as described in Matthew 21,... read more →
The same zeal with which Jesus cleansed the temple in the story of Matthew 21 is necessary to purify the church today. We are called to this—to be purified and... read more →
God, I know You are everything I need. No circumstance in this world changes who You are, and I am grateful for Your constant presence and promises in my life,... read more →
We are human, and daily, we deal with other humans—with their mistakes, failures, and shortcomings. Because we are so accustomed to living with people, we sometimes project human traits onto... read more →
Some time ago, we talked about settling unresolved issues, asking for forgiveness, and forgiving others. Today, I want to pray with you so that in this new year, we can... read more →
Lord, we thank You for Christmas, for this precious time in which we celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for reminding us that Christmas is more than... read more →
The start of a new year is always an opportunity for renewal and reflection. In times of uncertainty, we often question what the future holds and what challenges may arise.... read more →
Shall we pray together for the new year that is beginning? I am certain it will be a year of blessings—just seek the Lord and His Word constantly. Prayer Lord,... read more →