Shall we pray for God’s presence and strength? This is a moment set aside for us to recognize our weakness before God and cry out for the work of the... read more →
Your strength comes from God. He offers grace and love so that by seeking Him, you become strong. But to live this, you need to expose yourself, that is, open... read more →
Let's seek the face of God. He sees us, sees our hearts. Run to see Him, climb whatever tree you must to find Him. Shall we pray for this presence?... read more →
In Luke 19, we see the story of Zacchaeus, a man small in stature, but with an immense desire to see the Lord. Stay exposed "A man was there by... read more →
I want to invite you to pray together today about our relationship with the Lord. Let’s pray that we may worship Him fully and in all moments and situations, not... read more →
Human beings love freedom, the feeling of having control and the power to make decisions. If something good results from the choice, we celebrate and feel extremely intelligent and accomplished.... read more →
We are children of God, which means He will always have a fatherly gaze toward us, a gaze of care and protection. He knows how limited we are and how... read more →
We have already talked about how dependent we are on the Father. No matter how much we know how to do certain things on our own, the best choice is... read more →
I want to take this moment today to pray together. May we recognize that no matter how much we know how to get by and how independent we are most... read more →
I don't know the exact moment when you matured, when you realized that it was necessary to grow up. In each season of our lives, we learn something that shapes... read more →