Human beings love freedom, the feeling of having control and the power to make decisions. If something good results from the choice, we celebrate and feel extremely intelligent and accomplished. But if the choice brings negative consequences, we rebel against someone close or even against God, trying at all costs... read more →
We are children of God, which means He will always have a fatherly gaze toward us, a gaze of care and protection. He knows how limited we are and how we err, knows that we are imperfect and defenseless, and that we need His love and care. I want to... read more →
We have already talked about how dependent we are on the Father. No matter how much we know how to do certain things on our own, the best choice is still to follow His steps. He wants to be in control of our lives because He dreams of the best... read more →
I want to take this moment today to pray together. May we recognize that no matter how much we know how to get by and how independent we are most of the time, we will always depend on God's love and grace. Remembering that you don't need to pray exactly... read more →
I don't know the exact moment when you matured, when you realized that it was necessary to grow up. In each season of our lives, we learn something that shapes and transforms us. We learn so many things simultaneously and end up not giving everything its due value. Time to... read more →
You know that person you admire and look up to? I need to tell you something: she also has bad days, and her life is not perfect. Lives on screen These people will not go around shouting to the world that they have health problems, financial problems, or what struggles... read more →
God knows what is best for us and wants to have intimacy and freedom to act in our lives. To do this, we need to position ourselves in the face of situations so that there is real change and transformation in us and around us. Let's pray together about this... read more →
A position defines your limits and ideals. We are generally afraid to take a stand, as it brings many changes. Change is scary, and the beginning is uncomfortable. But you are not alone! Free in Christ "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Often, when... read more →
Previously, I spoke to you about being grateful for everything we have today. The Father pours blessings upon us every day so that we can build our future with Him. Shall we pray about this gratitude? You don't need to pray exactly as I'm going to say here. I know... read more →
You know that dream you have? That goal you work so hard to achieve? God is working on it today! Molded now Many times we want something so much that we can only look forward, forgetting today. But don't belittle what you're experiencing now, because this is when God is... read more →