Every year the chorus "Health to give and sell" is sung in Brazil, while partygoers imagine and wish each other a Happy New Year, with lots of money in their pockets and… health to give and sell. This 2021 started with this chorus more current than ever ... but with... read more →
How many things do we no longer overcome in our lives? Living is overcoming daily. Overcoming ourselves, the opposite situations and the challenges of everyday life. Fortunately, when we serve a living God, we no longer need to do this alone, because there is a Father who watches over us. ... read more →
How is your heart? There are some days when all we think about are problems and worries about the future. Consequently we feel a bad feeling in our hearts, a weight, a restlessness that we don't even know how to solve. Fortunately we serve a living God who loves us... read more →
How great is the grace of salvation, isn't it? Think with me, sin has put us in a prison, locked behind bars, guilt, shame, deceit and fear. So sin has done nothing but chain us to a wall of unhappiness. But Jesus came and bail us out, being punished in... read more →
How are your nights sleeping? Have you been able to relax? The Bible instructs us that the night was made for sleeping, but often with the rush of day to day at bed we can not relax, a thousand and one things pass in our minds. The moment before we... read more →
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; will uphold you with my righteous right hand.Isaiah 41:10 Today when I woke up I was thinking about how fear can get in the way... read more →
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.James 1:26 Today we will talk about a very important topic for the good functioning of the body of Christ, we will talk about the language, this small... read more →
Do you usually feel anxious? Well, I sometimes feel that way, I don't have clinical anxiety, but not always a person "is" anxious, sometimes they find themselves in this condition in front of important decisions or something that is waiting for a certain time to happen. Last night I was... read more →
The year has started and with that people make plans and goals. We know that the goal of many of our users is to have a routine of prayer and reading the word. That's why today we want to present to you some resources of our application that can help... read more →
To have a blessed year we need to keep our knees on the ground, that is, we need to pray. Prayer is the main way to develop intimacy with God and the prayer of the just is powerful, so it is one of the main weapons of everyone who believes... read more →