These days a very dear friend of mine passed away, a person who lived to serve and in whom the image of Christ was reflected in every attitude. All my friends, as well as I, were heartbroken, because we did not expect this, but we found comfort in knowing that... read more →
This week I wrote a text about how we should not live our lives in a hurry, much less comparing ourselves to others, because each person has a time and more important than that, there is a right time for everything and God knows what it is. After all, life... read more →
I see that the last generations are the ones who most talk about enjoying the moment you are in, but in a contradictory way are the ones who most want to conquer everything before 30. At 21 years old I include myself in this thought, I will finish college this... read more →
In the last text I wrote about the importance of putting on the armor of God to prepare us for battle, whether it occurs within ourselves, when it is against our flesh, or when the enemy uses someone to get at us. We pray asking and giving thanks for so... read more →
Today's theme came up when I woke up early in the morning with my heart racing and wondered how many people didn't wake up like that. Sometimes we face battles with ourselves, repetitive thoughts, bad feelings that come and go, and I know it can be very difficult to deal... read more →
Today I had to take a test that I do every year because I have had diabetes since I was 11 years old, called the glycemic curve. It is a lengthy exam that takes about 3 hours to complete, so I spent a long time in the laboratory to collect... read more →
These days I saw an image on Instagram that made me think about how is our morning routine. Well, the image compared the routine of someone who works too much and that of someone who has a balanced life. I agree that the ideal would be for all of us... read more →
Maybe this is a little different from what you are expecting, but well, here we go. These days I was watching the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen", a very famous movie that many of you may have seen more than once, about a family that has 12 children. In the... read more →
Today we will address a topic that can give much to talk about, so I want to focus on love between a couple, the love in the marriage, that is a great blessing from God. The Father created man and woman to be together. Love keeps the couple together, even... read more →
The first biblical commandment, to love your neighbor, seems to be one of the most ignored in recent times, especially during the pandemic. Of course we also saw many acts of love and solidarity, but the excess of hatred was also noticeable. Relatives who no longer speak to each other... read more →