Today I want to join you in a prayer of adoration and gratitude, to bring to mind all that our good God has already done for us. After all, we should not pray as if we were making a "checklist" of requests. It is good to stop and give thanks... read more →
The term consuming fire is often used in Christian circles, but do you know what it means? Are you unsure if one contradicts the other? Well our reflection today is to understand where this term comes from, why we use it? What is its meaning? And how does God's love... read more →
Generosity is a powerful tool of connection as we wrote these days around here, which is essential for all areas of our lives, whether in the church, at work, or in our homes. It has the power to transform environments, people's day. Our God is generous with us many times,... read more →
Do you know what one of the most powerful tools of connection is? Generosity! Keep this in mind: generosity is a powerful tool for connection. Let's talk a little bit about it. Paul encouraged the churches to be generous It is interesting that in the apostle Paul's letter to the... read more →
What is the help or care from God that you need? We live in a world of 7.874 billion people and each one is going through a different struggle, has a different need, which God knows well and is there to care for and teach. Even with so many people... read more →
It is difficult to find someone who says that life is perfect, there is always one or another thing that could be better, some area of life that needs more care and today I would like to bring an answer, a comfort to the heart of those who are anxious,... read more →
The other day we wrote here about store up treasures in heaven, we saw that despite the importance of our work and projects, we must also keep in mind where our real good is, that is, in our eternal home. This reminds us that the riches of this world are... read more →
We are the salt of the earth, and we can't lose the flavor, we can't forget what our mission is, and we need to fight for it. I want to remind you that to impact lives we don't need to be just in a prominent position, we can do it... read more →
Do you impact the lives of those around you? Better yet, do you positively impact the lives of those around you? These are questions that lead us to reflect about how we conduct ourselves before our neighbor and about something that we have talked a lot about lately here, about... read more →
Today I would like to share something about the relationship between generosity and eternity. God wants to teach us to live with eyes that can see far beyond what is visible, temporary, finite and earthly. When the Bible teaches us to be generous, it is precisely teaching us to have... read more →