I've come here a few times to talk about how the word of God generates real changes in our hearts. These changes start within us and, without forcing it, spill over onto other people. Thus, we become channels of blessings in the lives of others. For we have been blessed... read more →
The Bible often has that part that we almost always skip when reading: the long and neglected genealogy. I understand why we skip. There are many names and that gives that feeling of wasting time in our devotional. But today I want to show you something very special. Everything has... read more →
In today's text I would like to talk about FAITH. My heart's desire is that my confidence in God's increases more and more so that I reach a truly mature faith, according to the truth of the Word of God. I say according to the Word of God because there... read more →
Much has been said about revival. Either because of a wish for it to happen or because of the recent occasions like the Asbury university subject which is on the rise. However, I saw many people questioning what this was and why people are using this term. Do you know... read more →
I wasn't born in a Christian home, quite the contrary. Whenever I tell our testimony, I like to say that we didn't meet Jesus, He found us, or rather, He attracted us to Himself. So many times we have the feeling that we are going after Him, but the truth... read more →
Do you know what a house of prayer is for? Do we need to "consecrate" a space as a place of prayer? I wanted to bring some thoughts about the text of Isaiah 56: "For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations". Go to him... read more →
I'm sure you've heard the advice several times: "calm down, wait for God's time, everything will be fine", but it's never easy to wait, quite the contrary, you always think that a certain thing should already be happening, but still nothing. But don't worry, I assure you it's always worth... read more →
Have you understood the weight and responsibility of freedom or have you constantly tried to sign your decisions with the name of God? Have you remembered that even though everything is released to you, not everything builds your life? “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything... read more →
It is very common to hear or use that expression “I feel like a fish out of water”, but at this point I would like to use this phrase with a different meaning. Our Christian life is like being a fish, living in a pond or in the sea. Just... read more →
It is true that God opens doors and paths. But we are so preoccupied with His opening that we forget the importance of the passing action. It is necessary and essential that we trust in God's work, but we also need to remember certain steps that depend on us. We... read more →