In recent texts, I spoke to you about how the Father is not just a priority, but an urgency. And how He moves through us. Today, I want to use this space to pray about these matters. I want to ask that we can move for Him with that sense... read more →
The word "movement" appears for the first time in Genesis 1, verse 2. From that text, from Genesis to Revelation, it was through people moving that miracles happened. Do not stop "The earth was an empty waste and darkness was over the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was... read more →
In recent texts, I brought some reflections about sowing and burying some dreams, projects and ideals. Leaving space for the act of God and the fulfillment of His promises. Today I want to invite you to pray with about this matter. Ask the Lord to take care of each stage... read more →
Still on the subject of burying and planting, I want to remind you of the importance of taking care of the soil first. We often think that just the seed and how much we water it are the only things that matter. We also care about the sun, the temperature,... read more →
I have a potted oxalis purple clover at home. It is a flower that hibernates at certain times, and during the day it opens or closes more depending on the incidence of the sun. I want to focus with you precisely on this period when the clover is silent. Writing... read more →
There is a big difference between burying and planting. Many times we confuse these two words and take actions that take us off the right path or take us in the wrong direction. What's the difference? Even if there is nothing in the bible that directly compares "burying" and "planting",... read more →
I've heard a lot of people talking about how taking the first step in situations is difficult. But I disagree with that statement. The first step, in most cases, is the easiest because it can be given in a moment of impulse, excitement, emotion, euphoria… I believe that from the... read more →
In churches and in the Christian environment, one of the most discussed topics is the death of Christ, that is, His sacrifice. It's been a while since I heard a preaching in which the pastor compared Jesus' death to a woman's labor. This sermon left a deep impression on me... read more →
Today I want to pray with you for strengthening of faith and spirituality. The Bible brings faith as the certainty of things we still don't see, as the hope of what we ask for, dream of, but which is not yet palpable. It's about what's yet to happen. Our faith... read more →
We currently have access to so many things. New products, new ideas, new dreams. Thousands of information and news. And that can easily take our focus away from the Lord, steal our attention to something that quickly fades away. But we need to be dependent on Him at all times,... read more →