In the last text I talked about how our heart needs to be focused on the correct intention. We must follow God's paths and desires, always working with the intention that His work is done everywhere through our lives and in the best possible way. We will never be perfect... read more →
Generosity is something difficult to put into practice, as most of the time it is accompanied by sacrifice. Whether it's sacrificing part of our time to serve someone or even donating material resources, which we often don't have spare, but we do so to share with those in need. Therefore,... read more →
Having the peace that passes all understanding means being at peace on rainy days as well as on sunny days. Whether in difficult times or when everything is going well. It goes beyond all the reasons that surround us for being good or bad in a situation, it goes beyond... read more →
Anyone who has never tried to take control out of God's hands should throw the first stone… I often thought that my way was better and closed my ears to what He had to say to me. I closed my eyes to His ways and followed a direction that I... read more →
We hear a lot about the passage from Philippians 4, about receiving into our hearts the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding, that is beyond what we can comprehend with our intellect. Looking at the world around us we come across many reasons not to believe, not to... read more →
Rain is also seen as purification. I know that sometimes we see it as something that causes dirt and often gets in our way. At many times we see storms as a delay in our day, and I know that it can really be difficult to get through them. But... read more →
In the last texts I spoke to you about how the enemy wants to interfere in situations around us to affect our emotions and distance us from the Lord. But God cares more about your inner self and how strong you are in your faith than what happens around you.... read more →
The problem is not that there is chaos around you, as you need to focus on what is happening inside you. God is much more concerned about how you are than how things around you are… He's in us… "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one... read more →
Whoever looks for you in your past will find you there? Or will you find an empty place? Hell at all times wants to take us to a place of our past, making us live all the mistakes again or taking away our peace with remorse for what has already... read more →
Do not negotiate what cost the price of blood! Several times to fit in places and intentionally approach people, we give up what we are and what we received from the Father. But He didn't die for you so that you can use this truth only when it suits you.... read more →