In the previous text, I spoke to you about the feeling of overcoming and renewal that the end of the year brings and how we should learn to use it to improve and grow, to fully trust in God. Today, I want to pray with you about this moment, about... read more →
I have a special affection for the story of Joseph. It speaks about overcoming, forgiveness, perseverance, dreams, and faith. Joseph suffered physically and psychologically. He was emotionally wounded, saw bonds being broken in all his relationships, and experienced God's silence for a while. But in every moment, he remained steadfast... read more →
Since I can remember, most people talk about the return of Christ in a frightening way, filled with fear. I have reverence for that day, but the fear has ceased to be a part of my heart when I truly understood that it's just anticipation for His return. I long... read more →
The Bible is full of details, and the more we study and get to know it, the more we realize those that make all the difference. Today, I want to talk about the death of Jesus and how the tomb was left when the promise is fulfilled. Folding the cloth... read more →
It all starts within us. God first plants a seed in our heart, prepares it, and then this tree grows and can be seen by other people, making us a channel of God's word and blessings. Today I want to pray with you about this order. So that we can... read more →
Everything we express comes from our heart, everything we do flows from it and God knows it deep down. That's why we first need to fill ourselves to be able to overflow. This is being a channel, because we can't take people around us to a place we haven't been... read more →
In the previous text I brought you a phrase that appeared several times in some dreams I had. Today I want to use this space to pray for clarity. Just as I sought answers from God, I want to pray that He gives us an open heart to receive and... read more →
Always before going to sleep I pray that, in addition to protection and rest during the night, the Lord visits me in my dreams to speak to me. Sometimes He comes, and I know when it's Him because I remember every detail of some specific parts, and those parts don't... read more →
In the last text I talked about some small miracles in our days that we let go unnoticed because we are focused on other situations, waiting for big signs while God does small things every day. Today I want to use this space to pray together for open eyes and... read more →
Even though I am a very observant person who pays attention to the smallest details, there are times when I let events go unnoticed. When it seems like we've been stagnant for a long time and that our life is stuck in the same place, it means we need to... read more →