Jesus is described in the Bible in various ways, with different words and names, but these descriptions always reveal His divine character and the profound nature of who He is and was sent to be. God incarnate "He appeared in the flesh..." 1 Timothy 3:16 All those names are beautiful,... read more →
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 How good it is to remember how much our existence depends entirely on God. For the human being to live, it was necessary for the Lord to... read more →
Previously, I spoke to you about seizing opportunities and the present. Today, I want to pray about this, so that we don't waste time and enjoy every detail of life: the places, the people, possibilities, moments, opportunities… Life is a reflection of the One who created it, and we need... read more →
Life goes by so fast. Places are renovated, addresses change, people come and go; We are often forced to say goodbye. At other times, it is necessary to choose wisely who to say "hello" to and who to say "goodbye" to, no matter how much it hurts. Growing up hurts,... read more →
I always heard about the Word; I was raised by my parents hearing about its importance in knowing how and where to walk, following Jesus and the kingdom of God above all. It is essential that we read and delve deeper into it at the end of the process as... read more →
Our minds, in moments of sadness and turmoil, become weak if they are not established in Christ. Consequently, we begin to try to fill the void within ourselves at any cost, but we can never fill it with anything other than God and His life-giving Word. This prayer is based... read more →
The Lord instructs us several times that He should be the Only One worshiped, above anything else, because He is the Only God. This is not because He simply desires exclusivity. It goes far beyond that thought. Thinking like this makes it seems like God pleads for attention and needs... read more →
In the last text, I spoke to you about walking. We mus know that the path and steps will often seem messy, but we must follow with a focus on God's promises and directions. I want to invite you to pray today for the perfect path we find in God.... read more →
In moments when life seems messy, it's normal to think that God is not with us. But the hardships and confusions of life do not mean the absence of the Lord. I understood this in a beautiful way, even after going through difficulties. Finding your place "In their hearts humans... read more →
I want to use this space to pray with you for clarity and depth so that we can prepare ourselves for eternity with the Father. May we walk and act with this purpose, longing for Him and sharing His love and grace with people along our journey. In this journey,... read more →