In today's reflection I want to remember the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13, in this passage Jesus speaks to a crowd in parables and then talks about the fertile soil which is an analogy to our heart: 3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying:... read more →
The Bible mentions in several passages that God is a consuming fire and that we must burn for Him. However, for this, we also need discernment. We must constantly seek the Father's wisdom to distinguish what comes from Him and what is merely burning out of a desire of the... read more →
Today we will talk a little bit about humility here, a trait that is so important but sometimes seems so lacking for us. Humility is the opposite of being proud, arrogant, or haughty. As such, this is a trait that is highly praised throughout the Bible and often precedes honor,... read more →
There are battles necessary for our growth, where God strengthens us and reveals Himself to us. However, we cannot forget that actions generate reactions and consequences, and depending on the step we take, the result may be an unnecessary battle that we ourselves create. Guided fights "For though we live... read more →
In the previous text, I discussed the daily decision to be someone through whom God is praised. Today, I invite you to pray with me about this, to become available and completely surrendered instruments, allowing God to work in our lives according to His will. You don't need to pray... read more →
Every day, we need to make decisions, whether big or small, that can change not just an hour but an entire life. These decisions often unsettle us, especially because we don't know the impact they will have on various areas. Have you ever wondered what the most significant decision in... read more →
Today we will continue the series "What healing do you need?", where through three reflections we will recall biblical stories of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, in which the Lord worked in favor of his children, showing once again his glory and infinite goodness. In the last text we talked... read more →
I want to invite you to pray together about taking a stand. Just as in times of affliction and wars, Deborah stood up as a mother for the nation of Israel, may we have the authority and boldness to follow the steps that God calls us to take. You don't... read more →
In the book of Judges, we see some challenges and victories recounted, and in the midst of them, a woman emerges as a spiritual mother for the people of Israel. Deborah was a wise leader, but beyond emphasizing that, I want to remind you of one of her actions that... read more →
How important it is to stand firm, to be constant in what we do. We have been living in liquid times, where the word constancy has been losing its meaning, however, the word of God instructs us to be constant. In 1 Corinthians 15:58, it is written: "Therefore, my beloved... read more →