Lord, we seek to understand Your will for our lives. I know that our thoughts are limited, but Your ways are higher. Teach us to trust in Your guidance and to wait patiently for Your work, without rushing into our own choices.
Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit illuminate our hearts and minds. May we discern between our desires and Your perfect will. Deliver us from impulsive decisions and align our hearts with Your purpose so that every step we take follows Your plan.
Help us to seek Your Word with diligence and consistency, for we know that in it we find the truth and direction we need. May our hearts be sensitive to Your voice, recognizing when You speak to us—whether through Scripture, prayer, or the circumstances around us.
Surround us with wise and God-fearing counselors. May we learn from those who walk with You and be open to correction when needed. Let us never rely solely on our own understanding, but always lean on Your wisdom, knowing that You guide our steps.
God, we are grateful because we know that Your will is always good, perfect, and pleasing. Even when we do not understand, our choice is to trust in You. We surrender our lives into Your hands, knowing that You will lead us on the best path.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!
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