Have we based our relationship with God on feeling? Do we understand that we should not seek only the feeling?
Today, I would like us to talk a little about this topic so much talked about in the Christian world. Have we sought the Lord’s presence just to feel Him?
Shall we talk about?
A rational search
“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
Jeremiah 17: 9
I don’t know if you have been through this situation, but for a good part of my spiritual walk, I carried a heavy burden on my heart because I was deceiving myself.
I thought that I would only be having a total surrender to the Lord and would only be living a sincere relationship with Him, if I felt His presence in all services and at all times. It hurt me for a long time and even demotivated me.
I went to conferences, services, had my moments with God, but I didn’t feel His presence. Many times I was stressed with the Lord, I was angry and sad, because I did not understand why all this was happening. It didn’t make sense to me. I was looking, I was trying, but nothing happened.
I don’t know if you have been feeling this way, but I would like to tell you something that helped me a lot to get out of this situation.
Our life with God goes beyond feeling
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
Romans 12: 1
The last sentence of this passage is extremely important. Paul shows us that the giving of our lives, our sacrifice is not about a feeling, but about something that comes from rationality. That is, something that comes from our full awareness of God’s goodness to us.
I want to make it clear that there is no problem with wanting to feel the Lord’s presence. However, what I want to say here is that this should never be the main reason why we seek the Lord. Our motivation, in seeking Him, must be purely and simply by understanding that He is perfect, eternal, unchanging, that we are absolutely nothing without Him, that we have nothing if we do not have Him.
We cannot seek God for what we can receive from Him, such as experiences in His presence or blessings. But we need to seek Him for who He is.
We must not seek Him for what we can receive
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
Jeremiah 29:13-14
In this passage, God asks the Israelites who had been exiled to seek His presence with all their hearts. And that if they did, they would find Him. And He would restore them and bring them back to their land. Therefore, God, in His goodness, releases blessings upon us when we seek Him with all our hearts.
But we need to understand that the greatest blessing we have already received. The Father has already blessed us by giving His Son’s life on the cross to die for us and has given us the opportunity to live spiritually when we were dead in sin. It is with this understanding and rationality that we must seek Him, regardless of whether we receive or feel anything.
We need to understand God is not a genius of the lamp, which we rub when we want to fulfill some wish. God is sovereign, sublime and powerful. God has the power to give and take life.
A question:
We cannot seek to feel, be blessed, or anything like that, but we must seek for the simple fact that He deserves all of our devotion.
Grace and peace.
Amen amen powerful word. It’s true that is not about what we feel but it’s what we know. Faith!!!
Lord, when my faith is weak, I’ll trust in You. You are faithful and constant, and You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. I may grow tired and weary, I might even stumble and fall, but I will hope in You and my strength will be renewed. For You give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. With Your help, I’ll forget what is behind and strain toward what’s ahead. God, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which You have called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. I’m confident that the work You began in me will be completed. No matter what comes my way, Lord, I know that I can do all things with Your perfect strength. Blessed be the name above all names Yeshua the Son of God. Brothers and Sisters, our Creator said in these last days He will start to reveal His real name to those whom worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God is Love and Love is God. Amen God bless you all. Sholam
Thank you indeed the walk with the Lord is a relation based on faith regardless of the situation and feeling. It does get a little hard in times when we feel all alone but knowing that God will surely come through for us is so uplifting. Thank you
Amen… Beautiful words.. Thk u.. 🙏 😘
Amen 🙏
Amen and Amen 🙏
Thank you Father God and Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that I may feel more comfortable with giving myself to you as the living sacrifice part goes for as, Amen.
I pray also that this brings peace into my life’s structure of me, including those around you Amen.
Amen! Good word!
Thank you for the word this day. I seek him for the love of understanding and full knowledge of whom and what he is in my life. Thank you Jesus! Amen!
Amem! God bless you!
While I agree with some of the statements being made here I must wholeheartedly disagree with the general message. I once said something similar to my students and the Lord immediately rebuked me by allowing me no access to the Holy Spirit. This went on for an entire week and did not stop until I went back and apologized to them and retracted my statement.
The first free fruit of the Spirit are emotions. We are instructed to search out his presence and find ourselves that pure heart which can stand before him in Innocence. The conscience is about feelings. We know that we have done something wrong because we can feel it. The scripture is even tell us how to handle the situation where we are unable to accomplish this. In this case we are told to trust God as being greater than our conscience. This too is an emotion. To hold confidence in him is not just done intellectually.
This is all very important because once you give your heart to Jesus you can trust what he puts in it. All of the gifts of the Spirit operate sure our reliance on what he puts there.
Amen! John1:29-51.
I believe in God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength,
Amen!…there’s no place in the Kingdom for “feelings “…blessings 🙌🏾
I’ve recently been blessed with this revelation dropped in my Spirit. Thank You God for the confirmation of Your word
Amen https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/12.0.0-1/svg/1f64f.svg
Thank you brother Leo for your spiritual message that helps me understand and motivate my spiritual life.
Thank you for sharing. Above all God is indeed the only one worth seeking and worshipping.
Amém.. very helpful!
I believe in my heart God is near. Its not what you feel its what you believe. Many times I had experience His presence. In times of great danger, in my dreams when Iam in deep distress, when I had nervous breakdown I was alone in my house, I cannot move my body, and my heart was failing. In prayer I ask for help. Suddenly I saw a great light and a very calming peace overtook me. I woke up refreshed that day. Grateful, happy and at peace because my Savior is here with me.
What a powerful and timely message. Thank you so much for this reminder that it was never about our feelings but all about the glory of God. He is worthy!
Grace to you.
I have always, thanked Adoni for who He is and not just for, what He’s done. Thank your for revelation. I’m on the right path.