Beloved Father, we begin this new year with hearts eager to seek You more deeply and consistently. We acknowledge that all we have and are comes from You. Therefore, we... read more →
The Word is a Source of Life and Wisdom. Reading the Bible daily is essential for maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Jesus declared: "Man shall not live on bread alone,... read more →
Lord God, I know that Jesus Christ is not merely a memory of the past but the living presence that walks with me today. Thank You that through Him, I... read more →
We, as humans, are constantly changing. Our desires, dreams, ideas, projects, and feelings evolve day by day. This transformation is beneficial, driving us to grow and progress when approached with... read more →
One of the most well-known Bible verses is Matthew 6:21, which says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (KJV). But what does this verse truly... read more →
Earlier, I spoke with you about letting go of what we're doing and not hesitating to respond to God's call. Today, I want to pray for you about having the... read more →
Prayer is not an emergency call we make when an accident happens or when we need to be heard. Seeking the Lord during difficult times demonstrates trust and love, but... read more →
Human beings love freedom, the feeling of having control and the power to make decisions. If something good results from the choice, we celebrate and feel extremely intelligent and accomplished.... read more →
We have already talked about how dependent we are on the Father. No matter how much we know how to do certain things on our own, the best choice is... read more →
I want to take this moment today to pray together. May we recognize that no matter how much we know how to get by and how independent we are most... read more →