Lord, teach me to live with the same humble heart that Christ demonstrated. May I reflect His character in every action, serving with love and simplicity, placing others above myself,... read more →
The life of Jesus is a perfect example for us in every way—especially in humility and during moments of suffering and injustice. Christ left us a model to follow, serving... read more →
God has placed you in situations that are not His ultimate purpose for your life, but that shape and prepare you for that greater plan. Daily "Son though he was, he... read more →
In the last text I talked about how our heart needs to be focused on the correct intention. We must follow God's paths and desires, always working with the intention... read more →
Generosity is something difficult to put into practice, as most of the time it is accompanied by sacrifice. Whether it's sacrificing part of our time to serve someone or even... read more →
Have we done things to please others? Where's our treasure? Have we sought the approval of men and women instead of the Lord's approval? God has spoken a lot to... read more →
Today, I would like to bring you a very simple and brief word! Have we welcomed the exhortation of our leaders and brothers in the faith? Have we submitted to... read more →
Since the beginning of my adolescence I have always fought my ego and I still fight against it today! Being humble is one of my biggest difficulties! Realizing that nothing... read more →
On October 12, we celebrate the children's day in Brazil. And while this date is really focused on children, I thought I'd bring to this blog a comment about a... read more →
Days ago I had the privilege of being invited to preach in a church whose denomination was totally different from what I am accustomed to. On this day, I felt... read more →