During the last weekend, I was talking about this with some friends. Our life is full of processes, many of them are difficult but necessary. The process can be defined... read more →
I'm sure you've already wondered about your purpose in life, your mission, why you are where you are. I've wondered about this myself many times! After the conversion of my... read more →
These times I heard a song that had the following phrase “And if my voice fails, You sing for me”. That single sentence, repeated only once, in a song lasting... read more →
I wasn't born in a Christian home, quite the contrary. Whenever I tell our testimony, I like to say that we didn't meet Jesus, He found us, or rather, He... read more →
Do you know what a house of prayer is for? Do we need to "consecrate" a space as a place of prayer? I wanted to bring some thoughts about the... read more →
When is the right time to act? To what extent is risk taking the right decision? How long should we wait for something? With each passing day, the answer to... read more →
The year is starting, but we came from a very troubled year for many people. It's common to feel tired and overwhelmed, even if 2023 is just beginning. In Matthew... read more →
2022 was quite a year! So many things happened: elections here in Brazil, the World Cup, among other international events, not to mention what happened in our personal lives. We... read more →
How many times have you lost someone? Whether it's a matter of life and death, or someone you loved has moved away? Anyway, there are several concepts to lose someone.... read more →
If you have been suffering from anxiety, stress and have been held hostage by worries, I invite you to pray with me right now. Declare the truths of God's Word... read more →