Whenever I hear the word "Missions," I remember soldiers who are placed in front of tasks that must be completed in the best way, seeking excellence in carrying them out.... read more →
I invite you to join me in prayer today, seeking deliverance and the true freedom that comes from God. Our Father desires our hearts to be free from guilt, remorse,... read more →
In the previous text, I spoke to you about the feeling of overcoming and renewal that the end of the year brings and how we should learn to use it... read more →
Since I can remember, most people talk about the return of Christ in a frightening way, filled with fear. I have reverence for that day, but the fear has ceased... read more →
It all starts within us. God first plants a seed in our heart, prepares it, and then this tree grows and can be seen by other people, making us a... read more →
In the previous text I brought you a phrase that appeared several times in some dreams I had. Today I want to use this space to pray for clarity. Just... read more →
In the last text I talked about some small miracles in our days that we let go unnoticed because we are focused on other situations, waiting for big signs while... read more →
In the last text I talked about how our heart needs to be focused on the correct intention. We must follow God's paths and desires, always working with the intention... read more →
Having the peace that passes all understanding means being at peace on rainy days as well as on sunny days. Whether in difficult times or when everything is going well.... read more →
In the last texts I spoke to you about how the enemy wants to interfere in situations around us to affect our emotions and distance us from the Lord. But... read more →