Jesus was in the world physically. He walked among sinners and lived among those whom society excluded. And because of that, we distort this message and find comfort in being... read more →
I spoke last week about how our mercy is often selective and limited. Today, I want to pray with you about this, to be meek and have a heart filled... read more →
God expects from us a merciful heart, just like His. And in several biblical passages, He teaches us about mercy, love, and compassion… But have you truly been merciful? Weaknesses... read more →
Praise is just as important as warning. How many times have you mentally praised someone for a change in attitude and forgotten to verbalize it? Certainly we remember more to... read more →
Today I opened my cell phone and the first thing I saw on my social networks was a publication that praised the fact that people increasingly want to be alone.... read more →
We are servants of the Kingdom, which means we depend on one Lord, under one God, and follow one direction. Offering ourselves for our brothers, just as the Lord gave... read more →
I want to invite you to pray together for revival. We are living in a time where we witness the desires of the flesh outweighing the purposes of the Spirit.... read more →
Previously, I spoke to you about seizing opportunities and the present. Today, I want to pray about this, so that we don't waste time and enjoy every detail of life:... read more →
I want to use this space to pray with you for clarity and depth so that we can prepare ourselves for eternity with the Father. May we walk and act... read more →
Eternity is something difficult for us to understand. This is because humans are destined to end, humanly and physically speaking. We get hurt, feel pain, are fragile, and mortal. But... read more →