The Lord has a calling for each of us, with a personal and individual direction. But this calling is for the Kingdom, not for oneself. In the word of God,... read more →
We often assume that caring for people within the church is solely the responsibility of leaders or pastors. However, the Gospel instructs us to love our neighbors as God does... read more →
Last year, during one of the meetings at my church, we discussed how parents' generosity blesses their children. Each person shared a different experience that, in some way, highlighted this... read more →
We know that God is a Father of justice and love, who cares for us and calls us to the best path. Today, I want to pray with you about... read more →
I've heard many people talk about God's justice as divine punishment. He doesn't punish; He teaches and guides. The consequences of our choices have never been God's fault, but rather... read more →
In the previous message, I mentioned the importance of not allowing ourselves to be influenced by others, but rather allowing ourselves to be guided by God and influencing others through... read more →
We are children of God, chosen and set apart to live by His side, building His Kingdom and experiencing the fullness of His love. I want to invite you to... read more →
The Bible says that we have been adopted by God as beloved children. As stated in Galatians 4:5: " redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship...." For... read more →
I spoke last week about how our mercy is often selective and limited. Today, I want to pray with you about this, to be meek and have a heart filled... read more →
God expects from us a merciful heart, just like His. And in several biblical passages, He teaches us about mercy, love, and compassion… But have you truly been merciful? Weaknesses... read more →