Have we tried to flee from the Lord? Have we tried to hide from our responsibilities to Him? There is not a single space that the Lord is not in.... read more →
Have we enjoyed the communion of people, even through technology? Have we spent time with our brothers / sisters in the faith? Or have we walked alone? Today I would... read more →
Have we been thinking about each other? Have we understood that each one has their own time? Or have we easily lost patience? Today I would like to comment on... read more →
Today I would like to bring one more prayer! Prayer to ask the Lord for forgiveness for our sins and failures. Remembering that you don't have to repeat this prayer... read more →
Have we been stressed easily? Have we respected and loved people, regardless of their opinions? Both Christians and non-Christians? Today I would like to talk a little about love and... read more →
I would like to say a brief prayer with you, to ask for the Lord's help! We often lose the incentive and the will to seek the Word of the... read more →
I would like to bring a brief and simple message, to analyze our hearts! Have we done things from the heart for the Lord? Did we fall into the routine... read more →
Have you been paying attention to every detail of your life? Can you see God in all things and realize that it is He who does everything? Or do you... read more →
"If you love me, keep my commands."John 14:15 Obedience has some synonyms: compliance, submission, resistance and even respect. When we accept Jesus as our only Lord and Savior of our... read more →
Your difficulties, your failures, your sins ... with whom have you shared? Who has helped you on your spiritual journey? I have realized the importance of having people to accompany... read more →