Have you ever thought about losing all the things we complain about? If we were to lose our jobs because we complain about them, if we were denied access to... read more →
The Bible is full of details, and the more we study and get to know it, the more we realize those that make all the difference. Today, I want to... read more →
Do not negotiate what cost the price of blood! Several times to fit in places and intentionally approach people, we give up what we are and what we received from... read more →
In recent texts, I spoke to you about how the Father is not just a priority, but an urgency. And how He moves through us. Today, I want to use... read more →
Still on the subject of burying and planting, I want to remind you of the importance of taking care of the soil first. We often think that just the seed... read more →
In the beginning, when God created the world and everything in it, He also laid the foundation for righteous living. He is infinite wisdom himself and recognizes the importance of... read more →
"All spiritual blessings," as written in Ephesians 1:3, is a way of describing the abundant blessings received from the Lord. They are divine favors. This term is linked to the... read more →
Gratitude is also a type of worship. Being grateful and worshiping the Lord are natural responses of a heart that lives in His love. They are common actions of someone... read more →
For a long time I had doubts about the difference between gifts and fruits. And the meaning is so deep and beautiful. When we understand this difference, we feel part... read more →
Immanuel Kant was one of the greatest philosophers of the 18th century. In one of his works (Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, chapter 2), he brought the idea that... read more →