I see many people questioning why those who don't follow God prosper, while others who do, encounter afflictions. But that's simply the nature of life. Natural cycle "Remember this: Whoever... read more →
As tempting as it may be to journey where you desire, refrain from proceeding if it means leaving God behind along the way. Any path without Him leads towards the... read more →
Shall we pray concerning our relationship with God? We must reconstruct the altar, renew our intimacy and profound connection with the Father, as He beckons us to do. Today, I... read more →
God is calling you to rebuild your story. He not only wants you to appear healed and renewed on the outside, but He desires a genuine transformation from within. He... read more →
When we hear the word "worship," one of the first things that comes to mind is music, praising in songs. But it's not just that. We can worship Him in... read more →
I want to invite you to pray together for revival. We are living in a time where we witness the desires of the flesh outweighing the purposes of the Spirit.... read more →
In Proverbs 3:5-6, it is written: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."... read more →
The Bible mentions in several passages that God is a consuming fire and that we must burn for Him. However, for this, we also need discernment. We must constantly seek... read more →
In the previous text, I discussed the daily decision to be someone through whom God is praised. Today, I invite you to pray with me about this, to become available... read more →
Some texts have such a huge impact with certain words that our attention can focus on just one part of the sentence and take away the full meaning of it.... read more →