From the moment we sin, accusations arise and can take over our minds. We need to talk about the danger of the charges. This is a topic that has spoken... read more →
Are we living God's will? Have we done things for Him and in the way that He asks of us? We need to talk about the comfort zone. I have... read more →
Are we aligned with God's heart? What have we asked for Him? Do our requests match His will for us? This week I made some requests for God and I... read more →
Our Wednesday texts are mostly informative or tips. However, God spoke to my heart in a very strong way and I couldn't let it pass. In today's text I will... read more →
How do you see God? As a God of love and grace or as a God who only wants to punish people? It is necessary that we have an understanding... read more →
I'm going to start today's post by asking a question: Have you been enjoying the moments that God has given you, or do you spend most of them worrying about... read more →
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a... read more →
Isaiah 9: 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful... read more →
These days I was listening people sharing on the radio generous actions they usually do at the end of the year. It was pretty cool to hear such different ideas... read more →
On October 12, we celebrate the children's day in Brazil. And while this date is really focused on children, I thought I'd bring to this blog a comment about a... read more →