Have you ever thought about losing all the things we complain about? If we were to lose our jobs because we complain about them, if we were denied access to... read more →
In the previous text, I spoke to you about the feeling of overcoming and renewal that the end of the year brings and how we should learn to use it... read more →
Always before going to sleep I pray that, in addition to protection and rest during the night, the Lord visits me in my dreams to speak to me. Sometimes He... read more →
In the last text I talked about how our heart needs to be focused on the correct intention. We must follow God's paths and desires, always working with the intention... read more →
Having the peace that passes all understanding means being at peace on rainy days as well as on sunny days. Whether in difficult times or when everything is going well.... read more →
We hear a lot about the passage from Philippians 4, about receiving into our hearts the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding, that is beyond what we can... read more →
In the last texts I spoke to you about how the enemy wants to interfere in situations around us to affect our emotions and distance us from the Lord. But... read more →
The problem is not that there is chaos around you, as you need to focus on what is happening inside you. God is much more concerned about how you are... read more →
Do not negotiate what cost the price of blood! Several times to fit in places and intentionally approach people, we give up what we are and what we received from... read more →
The word "movement" appears for the first time in Genesis 1, verse 2. From that text, from Genesis to Revelation, it was through people moving that miracles happened. Do not... read more →