We are sinners and failures, so shame before God's presence can so often come upon us, but let me let you in on a secret… did you know that our... read more →
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am... read more →
As tempting as it may be to journey where you desire, refrain from proceeding if it means leaving God behind along the way. Any path without Him leads towards the... read more →
We are servants of the Kingdom, which means we depend on one Lord, under one God, and follow one direction. Offering ourselves for our brothers, just as the Lord gave... read more →
There are battles necessary for our growth, where God strengthens us and reveals Himself to us. However, we cannot forget that actions generate reactions and consequences, and depending on the... read more →
In the previous text, I discussed the daily decision to be someone through whom God is praised. Today, I invite you to pray with me about this, to become available... read more →
Every day, we need to make decisions, whether big or small, that can change not just an hour but an entire life. These decisions often unsettle us, especially because we... read more →
In the book of Judges, we see some challenges and victories recounted, and in the midst of them, a woman emerges as a spiritual mother for the people of Israel.... read more →
Some texts have such a huge impact with certain words that our attention can focus on just one part of the sentence and take away the full meaning of it.... read more →
Previously, we talked a little about some of the names by which Jesus is called throughout the biblical texts. There are many others that I did not mention in the... read more →