I would like to bring a brief and simple message, to analyze our hearts! Have we done things from the heart for the Lord? Did we fall into the routine... read more →
Have you been paying attention to every detail of your life? Can you see God in all things and realize that it is He who does everything? Or do you... read more →
Is the custom of worship present in our lives? Do we understand the true importance of worshiping the Lord? Or do we leave it to praise ministers only? In these... read more →
Your difficulties, your failures, your sins ... with whom have you shared? Who has helped you on your spiritual journey? I have realized the importance of having people to accompany... read more →
Where is our refuge? Who have we believed and trusted? In moments of anguish and pain, into whose arms have we been running? These days I have been thinking a... read more →
Have we done things to please others? Where's our treasure? Have we sought the approval of men and women instead of the Lord's approval? God has spoken a lot to... read more →
Are we living God's will? Have we done things for Him and in the way that He asks of us? We need to talk about the comfort zone. I have... read more →
To what extent have we persevered in our life with God? When temptations come, do we give up or prevail? Do we fight or just give up and surrender to... read more →
Do you understand that Christ gave himself entirely for you? Do you understand that He didn't think twice to obey God? Right. But if we understand all these things, why... read more →
Where is our trust? Who or what have we placed our faith in? Where have our expectations taken us? We tend to trust ourselves, our plans or the people around... read more →