When we hear the word "worship," one of the first things that comes to mind is music, praising in songs. But it's not just that. We can worship Him in... read more →
We often read that we are children of love, of the One who is grace and mercy itself. Today, I want to remind you that we are also children of... read more →
The Bible mentions in several passages that God is a consuming fire and that we must burn for Him. However, for this, we also need discernment. We must constantly seek... read more →
In the book of Judges, we see some challenges and victories recounted, and in the midst of them, a woman emerges as a spiritual mother for the people of Israel.... read more →
Previously, we talked a little about some of the names by which Jesus is called throughout the biblical texts. There are many others that I did not mention in the... read more →
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 How good it is to remember how... read more →
Life goes by so fast. Places are renovated, addresses change, people come and go; We are often forced to say goodbye. At other times, it is necessary to choose wisely... read more →
The Lord instructs us several times that He should be the Only One worshiped, above anything else, because He is the Only God. This is not because He simply desires... read more →
In the last text, I spoke to you about walking. We mus know that the path and steps will often seem messy, but we must follow with a focus on... read more →
I spoke to you in the previous text about the price paid through the blood of Jesus to redeem our sins. Today, I want to pray about recognizing and remembering... read more →