Today I brought you a thought about the miracle of healing the paralytic for our series of miracles of Jesus. We can often see this story focusing on one person... read more →
The Cedar of Lebanon is a common tree in mountainous regions and Mediterranean climate. This tree grows slowly, but reaches a great height, being considered one of the largest trees,... read more →
It's Mother's Week and I couldn't come here with a different subject. I want to honor them and remember the value of their role. Remember that when a child is... read more →
I was studying the book of Daniel these days and I found a passage that caught my attention. The main image of this message was the intensity of God's light... read more →
The last few times have been very difficult, but the Lord has taught us in His Word not to be afraid: "So do not fear, for I am with you;... read more →
Being afraid is a feeling that is part of our daily life, starting from our childhood. When we are children we are afraid of things like the dark, clowns and... read more →
The truth is, if you think about it, lately we've had more bad days than good days. There are so many bad things happening in the world, in our lives,... read more →
A successful marriage, a ministry that fulfills its purpose, a professional achievement. All of this takes a lot of work and dedication. Many times we want to live and enjoy... read more →
"21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil. 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.... read more →
In this world you will have tribulations… Jesus said it in John 16:33, but in the same verse He says: "But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.... read more →