Today I brought you a thought about the miracle of healing the paralytic for our series of miracles of Jesus. We can often see this story focusing on one person... read more →
In the next 4 weeks I want to bring you some texts about the miracles of Jesus. I chose for today the miracle of restoring the sight of blind Bartimaeus,... read more →
Interestingly, blessing in the Bible is always closely linked to family and generational prosperity. Psalm 128 talks about what happens to one who fears the Lord and walks in his... read more →
So many times we put the responsibility for a better year on external factors such as: the economy needs to improve, the pandemic needs to end, they need to give... read more →
Today I want to say a prayer of praise to the Lord with you! Faithful and just is the God we serve and is with us at all times! Remembering... read more →
Is the custom of worship present in our lives? Do we understand the true importance of worshiping the Lord? Or do we leave it to praise ministers only? In these... read more →
Your difficulties, your failures, your sins ... with whom have you shared? Who has helped you on your spiritual journey? I have realized the importance of having people to accompany... read more →
Have we recognized God's blessings in our lives? Have we been grateful for the things we received undeservedly? In these last days I have been thinking a lot about gratitude... read more →
"He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."Mark 16:15 We know that Christ left us a mission: to bring the Good News... read more →
I've been thinking a lot about how much the words we hear create things within us. I confess that I was never the person but attentive to the way of... read more →