Have we done things to please others? Where's our treasure? Have we sought the approval of men and women instead of the Lord's approval? God has spoken a lot to my heart about it and has shown me how I must seek only to please Him and no one else.... read more →
We need to talk about the importance of intercession! In moments like the one we are experiencing in the world, of great crisis in several sectors, one of the best things we can do is to intercede. But do we know the true importance of intercession? Are we interceding correctly?... read more →
David's story is one of the best known in the Bible. He was the man chosen by God to lead his people and he was certainly a man very used by Him. The story begins to be told, in the Old Testament in the chapters of 1 and 2 Samuel... read more →
I would like to bring up a very important topic today: Forgiveness! Have we forgiven as Christ taught us? Have we been meek of heart? Or do I fear we are easily stressed, compassionate and resentful? The question of forgiveness is a very delicate one. A theme that must be... read more →
Today, I would like to bring you a very simple and brief word! Have we welcomed the exhortation of our leaders and brothers in the faith? Have we submitted to the leadership that has been placed upon us, by God? This is a theme that I love to think and... read more →
When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip answered him, “It would take more... read more →
How much time have we invested in the study of the Word? Have we taken advantage of the time we have to read the Bible? Today we are going to talk about the importance of the Bible in our lives. I confess that I have always had a hard time... read more →
These days, I read in an American magazine that said "Difficult subjects, train the mind. Difficult times, train the spirit". We know that we are living atypical days, however we cannot fail to prioritize our prayer and devotional time. Creating the daily habit of reading the Word of God and... read more →
From the moment we sin, accusations arise and can take over our minds. We need to talk about the danger of the charges. This is a topic that has spoken a lot to my heart and I have realized how much the accusations can hinder our spiritual journey! Come on?... read more →
In today's text, we are going to talk about the person who generated us, the person who carried us in her womb and the one who was chosen by God to bring us into the world. Yes, our dear and beloved mothers. But calm down. If you are not a... read more →