There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 Today we will begin the series "The Seasons of Life", where through 4 texts we... read more →
Today I want to have a brief conversation with you about the sovereignty of God. I know that sometimes we can find ourselves afraid and lost, but our Father knows all the pieces of the puzzle in each of our lives. Even though at times we may not find where... read more →
Today I want to pray for a delicate subject in a world where we are encouraged to think only about ourselves, which is humility. So many times we don't inflate our ego not only before people, but especially before God who is our father, we are proud, we consider ourselves... read more →
Today we will continue the series "What healing do you need?", where through three reflections we will recall biblical stories of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, in which the Lord worked in favor of his children, showing once again his glory and infinite goodness. In the last text we talked... read more →
In the last few days we have been talking about healing here on the blog and today I want to pray for health to continue standing firm, fulfilling the purpose that God has for us, whether it be work, academic, family or ministry. Without health we are unable to accomplish... read more →
Today we will start a new series here on the blog, called "What healing do you need?", where through three reflections we will remember biblical stories of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, in which the Lord worked on behalf of his children, showing once again his glory and infinite goodness. ... read more →
We are called to be children, but how often by our pride, arrogance and sinful nature, we decide to go our own way, without asking the Father's direction, trusting that we know what is best. We turn away from God's presence and at some point we realize that we are... read more →
These days I was reading the passage of Luke 1, and I had my attention fixed on verse 45, where it is written: "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”. These words, inspired by God, were spoken by Elizabeth, Zechariah's wife, to... read more →
Today we will pray for constancy, so necessary in our lives, because without it we won't build anything, nor will we get anywhere. In the Bible we find countless stories of people who, through constancy, took their relationship with God to another level and were used by our Lord. Being... read more →