We don't have the script for our lives, only our Father does, and that's a good thing, isn't it? God is in control of everything we are going through and knows what is best for us. This is wonderful, but sometimes we find it difficult to just trust, we want... read more →
It's easy to find someone who wishes they had made better decisions in life, we hear the famous phrase "if I had known this was going to happen I wouldn't have done that", however, we don't know our future, nor will we ever know. After all, the only one who... read more →
Dealing with nervous people is not easy, maybe you are one of them yourself. However, the word of God teaches us how to deal with different kinds of people as we can see through the teachings left by our master Jesus Christ. Still, there are situations in which besides reading... read more →
Have you lived with someone who is very nervous? It is not easy, is it? There are people who are like that, and there are others who are just nervous sometimes. But after all, how do you deal with nervous people according to the Bible? This is a difficult question... read more →
In last week's Friday text we talked about God's word being the last and most important. After all, how many times have you found yourself in a situation that seemed to have no way out? I am sure they were not few, but with the same certainty I know that... read more →
How many times have you found yourself in a situation that seemed to have no way out? Well I can guess that not a few, we all go through times when everything seems to say no, but if there is one thing that is a fact, it is: even if... read more →
As human beings we sometimes have complexes, insecurities that come in and make us feel too small, but as we saw in the last text, we don't need to live feeling inferior or having self-pity, because we are children of God and all equal before Him. As it is written... read more →
Have you ever felt inferior or self-pitying, felt that everyone was judging you, but in fact none of it was real. As human beings we sometimes have inferiority complex and insecurities that come in and make us feel too small and what does the Bible have to say about this?... read more →
The other day I wrote here about fears that we develop as children and sometimes accompany us into adulthood, be it the night, abandonment, need, sickness… Anyway, you are not guilty or to blame for this fear, but it is certainly horrible to live in fear and we have been... read more →
Today I want to open this text with a story, since I was very young I have always been afraid of the dark. And it was not little, it tormented my parents night in and night out. They came to my room, prayed with me, told me stories, but not... read more →