Today we are going to pray based on Colossians 3, a text that carries very special teachings and values for our lives, among them the need to mortify our flesh, ridding ourselves of fornication, impurity, inordinate affection, vile concupiscence, and greed, which is idolatry. Remember that you don't have to... read more →
Today I want to bring here on the blog a story that is to fill our hearts with emotion and happiness. This weekend I had the opportunity to meet Anderson Novais, his wife and their little boy, a blessed family full of faith. Now you may be wondering, who is... read more →
Building Alliances In one of our schools, we made a street with a round-trip track that surrounds some of those big plastic toys. For a parent meeting, I was visiting this unit in the evening and came across some beautiful (and well made) parked cars and trucks, neatly made out... read more →
Today we are going to pray for something that can be so basic, but is sometimes so forgotten by us, the value that we have as children of God. We are more valuable than birds to Him, but sometimes we put ourselves in the condition of being forgotten by the... read more →
In this world you will have tribulations… Jesus said it in John 16:33, but in the same verse He says: "But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Everyone who is alive has faced difficulty, because we live in a world fallen by sin, all humanity suffers, trials... read more →
Last week we talked a little bit about favoritism and God being things that don't go together, our Father is just and loves his children equally, and then maybe you ask yourself: why does my brother have this or that, or is better off than me? Does God love the... read more →
Have you ever wondered if God has favorite children? Perhaps at some time of difficulty you thought that God cared more for your other children, after all, you were doing everything right, but the Lord was not rewarding you as you expected. The lives of your brothers and sisters in... read more →
In the last weeks we have talked a lot about preparation, mortification of the flesh and all of this also having in mind the importance of fasting, because as we have been talking about here, it doesn't make God nicer, but through the mortification of our flesh our spirit is... read more →
Last Friday we talked about the importance of fasting here on the blog, we also addressed frequent questions that can arise in our midst regarding this topic and today we will continue praying for the beginning of a fast, maybe you are not starting a fast now, but I want... read more →
How do I fast? Am I fasting in the right way? These are frequent questions in the Christian environment, and this is a subject that always leaves many in doubt and thinking about it today we will talk about fasting here on the blog. Together we will try to understand... read more →