Today we are on our second day of the "3 days to get out of procrastination" series, on the first day we reflected on how being anxious and thinking about the whole paralyzes and today we will look for a solution to that. Let's see, if being anxious and thinking... read more →
We wake up, what do we do? We grab our cell phone and there goes our start of the day, but it's time to give it a rest, so join me in a 3 day study to get out of procrastination. I'm sure you've felt like you needed more time... read more →
Are you looking for direction in your emotional life? Then there is no better person to direct you than our good God. He knows what is best for us, what we need, and at what time we need it, so before we seek anyone else we must first seek our... read more →
Yes, this is a text for singles. But don't panic! Don't leave yet. Because if you are dating or married, you can send this blog post to someone. Of course, I don't have a perfect marriage. After all, how could a relationship be if it is made up of two... read more →
How to live in harmony when we feel we are failing so badly? This has been our topic of study for the past few days after all, we are sinners struggling against our own flesh and against the evil that is in this world. But there is a way to... read more →
How to live in harmony when we feel we are failing so badly? After all, we are sinners struggling against our own flesh and against the evil that is in this world. But there is a way to live in harmony, and it involves three blessed words: the first is... read more →
How to live in harmony when we feel we are failing so badly? After all, we are sinners struggling against our own flesh and against the evil that is in this world. But there is a way to live in harmony and it involves three blessed words: the first is... read more →
How to live in harmony when we feel we are failing so badly? After all, we are sinners struggling against our own flesh and against the evil that is in this world. But there is a way to live in harmony and it involves three blessed words, the first is... read more →
Today we will pray for a theme recently written here on the blog… as it is known, in this world we will have afflictions, as Jesus said in John 16:33, but in the same verse He also says: "but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". How good... read more →
Today I will begin this text by telling you that God holds our hand at all times, but especially when there is no one around. This weekend I had my four wisdom teeth removed and what an agony this surgery was, as soon as I arrived at the clinic I... read more →