When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. - Psalm 94:18-19 Meditate on these words for a moment. So many times we fight in our own strength and rely on our own feet to... read more →
I confess that recently I have changed a lot in my attitude towards the Holy Spirit. I have invited Him to participate in all areas of my life, not just some. I have also come to understand that He is someone who can be my friend. And I recently regretted... read more →
Sometimes there are situations that repeat themselves and don't seem to change. Or else something we've been hoping for a lot doesn't happen. Anyway, there are so many factors that can discourage us. However, we who hope in the Lord have an inexhaustible source of strength and hope. Even youths... read more →
The year has started and with that people make plans and goals. We know that the goal of many of our users is to have a routine of prayer and reading the word. That’s why today we want to present to you some features of our APP that can help... read more →
We have just entered the first week of another new year. We list goals and set out to do so many things. But first of all we need to commit our year to God and invite the Holy Spirit to be part of all our plans and dreams, because it... read more →
2021 was another atypical year, but again we were able to count on God's grace. Therefore, in this text, we would like to first thank the Father for so much care and love, even in the midst of challenging situations. And we also want to thank you for following and... read more →
So many times we put the responsibility for a better year on external factors such as: the economy needs to improve, the pandemic needs to end, they need to give me a promotion at work. But the truth is that having a better year is just up to us. Of... read more →
This is a fundamental Gospel question. At this time of year, everyone talks a lot about the birth of Jesus, believers and non-believers. We know He came into the world to save us. The first step in our life with God is to confess with our mouth that JESUS is... read more →
In the last text I wrote about the blessings that are poured into our lives in an overflowing way so that we can share them. (Click here to read). You certainly occupy a place of blessing in something. Maybe in your relationships, maybe in knowledge, maybe financially, in talents. Or... read more →
Surely you occupy a place of blessing in something. Maybe in your relationships, maybe in knowledge, maybe financially, in talents. Or in various things. Know that all of this is grace that was bestowed upon you. And these blessings that are upon you were poured out in abundance for you... read more →