The days have definitely not been easy, we've been through so many things that discourage us and leave us with a restless heart. Every day, every second and every moment feels like they're there just to discourage us, to make us stop. But can I tell you something? The message... read more →
At some point in our Christian walk we experience this moment: the silence of God. It happens that we often don't understand this moment. We want to find reasons for this. The silence that is not silence Have you ever stopped to think that maybe this silence isn't quite a... read more →
Being afraid is a feeling that is part of our daily life, starting from our childhood. When we are children we are afraid of things like the dark, clowns and heights. Sometimes fears persist, but they can also disappear, giving way to others. Fear of the future Have you ever... read more →
Since the beginning of this pandemic, it was clear that we have become increasingly anxious. Not only that, but we've also been developing disorders like toc, panic and so on. But what stands out most is anxiety. The big question that remains is: what does God think about it? What... read more →
We have lived such a busy life that it seems that we never find time to be intimate with God. Our schedule is always crammed with tasks and our lives are filled with activism. All of this has been keeping us from time with the Lord. I am the vine;... read more →
Interestingly, blessing in the Bible is always closely linked to family and generational prosperity. Psalm 128 talks about what happens to one who fears the Lord and walks in his ways: v3. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots... read more →
Table fellowship is like the relationship we have with our families, where we eat together. A relationship in which we know each other so well to the point of knowing what the other likes or not, the quirks and certain things that it is only possible to know in an... read more →
When we accept Jesus into our lives, we always say a prayer, something like: "Lord, I accept You as my Savior and I ask You to come and live in my heart." It is interesting how many moments in our Christian walk are marked by moments with words. Attitudes To... read more →
The truth is, if you think about it, lately we've had more bad days than good days. There are so many bad things happening in the world, in our lives, that we often wonder, “Why is God allowing this to happen?” Have you ever thought that we don't thank for... read more →
A successful marriage, a ministry that fulfills its purpose, a professional achievement. All of this takes a lot of work and dedication. Many times we want to live and enjoy good and intense results, but without paying the price of consistency and perseverance. I don't know if you've ever lit... read more →