This week I heard a sentence that I found very interesting. "At Christmas, it is Christ's birthday, but we are the ones who receive the gift of love, grace and care coming directly from the Father". And this is a fact. Thanks to the birth of Christ we are entitled... read more →
In the stories of Jesus we see several miracles happening wherever He went. But what most calls my attention in them is where the focus of each character was in the face of everything that happened. We can compare it to our focus on situations these days. The crowd seeks... read more →
There are many ways to develop our spiritual life and be constant in our relationship with the Father: reading the Bible, praying, fasting and worship are some of them. But today I want to talk to you especially about worship. Break your jar There is a concept that worship is... read more →
These days I heard this phrase from the title of a friend and it was kept in my heart. So I decided to look more closely at God for what that really meant, as I felt it was Him speaking to me through this friend, that it was Him reminding... read more →
According to research, children up to the age of five contemplate the lives of their parents to learn and reproduce what they do. At that age, my family was not Christian, but I used to observe what my parents did in their daily lives. I noticed the way my mother... read more →
We often confuse what is fundamental with what is essential. And this is very dangerous for the progress of our spiritual life, as we end up losing focus. There are things that need to be in our essence, like the air we breathe, and others that are important to give... read more →
How many times have you lost someone? Whether it's a matter of life and death, or someone you loved has moved away? Anyway, there are several concepts to lose someone. Perhaps one of the greatest pains we will experience in this life is to see someone we love leave. I... read more →
Today I came here to remind you that there is a right path and a wrong path, however hard it is to see and accept. I know that sometimes it becomes more comfortable to think that there is a third way, because then we would have a better chance of... read more →
If you have been suffering from anxiety, stress and have been held hostage by worries, I invite you to pray with me right now. Declare the truths of God's Word about your life. Take hold of all the blessings that have already been released through the work of Christ! Remembering... read more →
IT'S REAL: Regardless of the situation you've been living, know that God is enough! Life is made up of many seasons. There are moments of great changes, in which cycles end, some people distance themselves not out of harm or anything, but because life has changed. There are times when... read more →