Today I would like to share something about the relationship between generosity and eternity. God wants to teach us to live with eyes that can see far beyond what is... read more →
Our Father is the unshakable rock and as it is written in Psalm 125, those who trust in the Lord are like the mountain of Zion that is not shaken.... read more →
How beautiful is this verse from Psalm 125, isn't it? In Portuguese this Psalm has become a hymn that I like very much and it goes like this: "Those who... read more →
We get up, pray, and decide "today will be a good day" or "this will be a productive day", the productive day begins, but then we hit traffic, get our... read more →
I see that the last generations are the ones who most talk about enjoying the moment you are in, but in a contradictory way are the ones who most want... read more →
Today's theme came up when I woke up early in the morning with my heart racing and wondered how many people didn't wake up like that. Sometimes we face battles... read more →
To talk about this subject, I will tell you a story, a little naive and jovial, but a good example. Well, one day a young woman decided to watch a... read more →
In a world of so many doubts and fears, what is your certainty? Or where is your confidence? It is not easy to face the day to day when we... read more →
We, human beings, have the need to find answers for everything, because our Father made us intelligent beings capable of logical thinking. With this come questions about how we should... read more →
So many feelings are capable of dominating us throughout life, fear, envy, anger, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, love, courage, and so many others. Sometimes we act driven by anger, sometimes by... read more →