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Submit yourselves!

Submit yourselves!

Human beings love freedom, the feeling of having control and the power to make decisions.

If something good results from the choice, we celebrate and feel extremely intelligent and accomplished. But if the choice brings negative consequences, we rebel against someone close or even against God, trying at all costs to shift the responsibility away from ourselves.

Educated children

God gave us free will, but with it, we also received the responsibility for our choices and decisions.

I’m saying this to remind you that the world is not in the hands of the enemy because God gave it to him, or because the Lord desires destruction. Rather, it’s because man, having received the earth from the Lord, handed it over to the devil.

Do not blame the father for the choices of the son. No matter how much the father’s authority teaches, the world and the experiences lived throughout the days can transform the son and shape his thoughts. This changes the entire path and ultimately distances the son from what the Lord desires for His children.

But the son can always return to his origins, to what shaped who he is in his essence.

Call the sky

“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1:28

The Lord instructs us daily and has left His words for us to follow. He is a Father who teaches and guides, but it is up to us to decide whether we want to follow these steps.

In Genesis, it is written that the earth was given to man for him to rule and govern. In part of the text, God says: “bring it into subjection to Me.”

The earth is under man’s authority and his free will; it was given to be governed by the children.

This is why we need to pray, connecting heaven to earth, calling on God to act, giving Him freedom. In heaven, God’s will is always done without restriction, but for this action to be released on earth, it is necessary for us to call upon the Father’s name.

Of course, we will always be loved by God. But we constantly want everything to be in our image and likeness, forgetting that, above all, we are made in the image and likeness of God.

Choose His wisdom

“The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.”

Psalm 115:16

If we do not subject the earth and our choices to the Father, if we do not place them in His hands, following His direction, things will happen based on our actions, and the consequences will be ours and ours alone.

When we see that the world is increasingly under the devil’s control, this is not God’s fault, but the result of our own permissions. The enemy only has the authority we give him; on his own, he has no power. However, if we allow it, he begins to move and act through our hands, influencing our path.

To subject the world to the Lord means this: He gave us the world and everything in it, He instructed us and continues to instruct us on how to govern these things, and we need to subject them to Him again. We must place everything in His hands once more, give the dominion to the Father, learn from Him how to walk, trust, and hand over this governance to the Lord, and receive from Him the discernment to follow.

Choose the Lord and His wisdom every day.

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