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Prayer: Servants

Prayer: Servants

We are servants of the Kingdom, which means we depend on one Lord, under one God, and follow one direction.

Offering ourselves for our brothers, just as the Lord gave himself for us, is our greatest calling.

A high price, in blood, was paid so that today we could be free, and in that freedom, choose to be servants of the One who called us! We have already received, and therefore, we give.

Today, I want to pray with you about this devotion and obedience in serving and pouring everything at His feet.

You don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their way of talking to the Father, and it is important that we individually seek intimacy with Him. Therefore, feel comfortable talking to the Lord in your own way. But if you want, I will be happy to accompany you in this prayer.


“God, today I come before You with a heart overflowing with gratitude. I acknowledge the abundance of blessings I have received from You and the unconditional love You have bestowed upon me since before my birth. Thank You for envisioning my existence and showering Your boundless grace and kindness upon my life.

I am thankful for Your gracious call to serve Your Kingdom, despite my unworthiness. My gratitude stems not from any earthly rewards I may receive but from the grace and mercy already bestowed upon me before my conception.

Lord, help me to always remember the significance and magnitude of salvation. May it not merely be an event that happened to me but a guiding principle that shapes my lifestyle.

Grant me the strength to live as a genuine servant of Christ, dedicating my life to the advancement of Your Kingdom, not seeking transient rewards but responding to the love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

May I love as You love, care as You care for me, and live by Your word, sharing this truth with others.

I ask for forgiveness for the times I acted out of selfish motives, prioritizing my desires over serving Your Kingdom and seeking personal gain. Teach me to relinquish everything that does not align with Your will.

May the example of Jesus, who came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many, be my inspiration and guide. Empower me to love and serve others through Your grace and mercy.

Lord, may every act of service we undertake be an expression of our love and gratitude for Your redeeming grace.

Make me an instrument of Your peace, justice, and compassion in this world, reflecting the light of Christ in all my endeavors. May my life proclaim Your glory before my words.

I desire to keep my gaze fixed on You, focusing on Your character rather than on what I gain through it.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

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