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Prayer: Chosen Children

Prayer: Chosen Children

We are children of God, chosen and set apart to live by His side, building His Kingdom and experiencing the fullness of His love.

I want to invite you to pray together today, so that we can feel in our hearts that we are beloved and desired children of the Lord, no longer carrying within us the feeling of orphanhood.

You don’t need to pray exactly as I’m going to say here. I know that everyone has their own way of communicating with the Father, and it is important that we seek this intimacy. Feel free to talk to the Lord in your way. But if you wish, I am here to accompany you in this prayer.


“Father, we acknowledge that we are Your beloved sons and daughters and we thank you for this truth. We know that You have adopted us and given us the privilege to call You Abba Father!

Teach our hearts to fully understand the meaning of this adoption. May we deeply feel the unconditional love You have for each one of us, even before we were born. Empower us to trust in Your paternal providence and care, even in moments of difficulty and uncertainty.

May our relationship with You be one of deep intimacy and unwavering trust. May we run into Your arms at all times, knowing that we will find refuge and comfort in Your presence. No matter where we go, we always have a safe place to return to.

We do not want to stray from Your grace and presence, Father. Thank you for choosing us and loving us.

May I act as a son. Respecting, loving, honoring, and being intimate, deeply knowing who You are. May we reflect Your character in all our actions, being a light wherever we go, with Your identity within us. Empower us to love and forgive one another as brothers, extending the same grace and compassion to all.

Lord, we want to walk in Your truth and wisdom, trusting in Your guidance and direction in all circumstances. Help us to live boldly and in faith, knowing that we are co-heirs with Christ.

Remove from us every spirit of orphanhood and loneliness. You fill us, and we only need Your presence in our lives. Thank you, Father, for welcoming us into Your family and taking such good care of us.

May each breath be an expression of our gratitude for Your infinite grace and love. May we live every day as beloved children of God.

In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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