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I can’t hear God’s voice

I can’t hear God’s voice

Have you also been troubled by not being able to hear the Lord’s voice? Have you ever wondered why you didn’t hear God speak? Are you going through this today?

Today I would like to talk about one of the phrases that I spoke most in my life and that I hear many times! If you’ve ever felt that way, I imagine it’s an important text for you!

Shall we talk about it?

The noise is too loud!

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

Luke 5:16

The Bible shows us that, on several occasions, Jesus withdrew from the presence of others, went to a quiet place and prayed to His Father. But for what reason did He do this?

In my view, Jesus withdrew for two reasons: to avoid noise and to be alone with the Lord. I would like to speak specifically about the noise. Noise that deafens us and disturbs us. What noise would that be?

The vast majority of us have a busy schedule and a very busy life. We got involved in a lot of activities and ended up with a very full mind too. It is important to say that there is no problem with that, the problem is when we let these things interfere with our relationship with the Lord, when we place our activities above the Lord.

Often, because we have a very full mind, we let the noise of all activities, all difficulties and all problems speak louder than our Father’s voice. It is as if the Lord is calling us and trying talk to us, but we are wearing headphones, with the maximum volume.

What has occupied your mind the most? What and who has been your priority? We need to learn to silence other things, such as daily activities and difficulties, so that we can hear the Lord’s voice. But it shouldn’t be once a week or once a day, but at all times. In order to hear the Lord in the midst of loud chaos, we need to approach Him and prevent these things from interfering with our relationship with Him.

It is not His fault!

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Jeremiah 33:3

I do not know if you are like me, but I confess that I have a hard time admitting when I’m wrong. I let the pride take control of me and I try to put responsibilities that are mine in the hands of others!

However, the most important of all, is to understand that the Lord never makes mistakes, he never fails, that is, the blame will never be His, because you cannot blame someone who is blameless and perfect. We have a bad habit of complicating what the Lord has facilitated for us.

You can’t hear God’s voice? First of all, understand that the wrong person in this story is you and not Him, and try to understand where you are making mistakes, analyze your heart and find your flaws. Put these failures and difficulties before the Lord, silence the noise that other things are doing, prostrate before the Lord and let Him speak to your heart.

Listening to the Lord is not necessarily related to miracles or to feel His presence, but it is always related to a change of mind.

Grace and Peace.

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