We often go through delicate situations in the most diverse areas of our life and then we ask ourselves: “Why me?”, And today I would like to reflect with you... read more →
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they... read more →
I would like to start this text by emphasizing that there is purpose in everything that God does and from the moment you accept Jesus as your only savior, you... read more →
Like cold water to a weary soul, is good news from a distant land.Proverbs 25:25 We are all thirsty for good news, especially when we await the result of a... read more →
In recent times many people have lost their jobs and the world is going through a major financial crisis with the coronavirus. I know this is not an easy time,... read more →
Expectation is the condition of those who expect something to happen at a given time and it is common for many to put their desires in situations or people. However,... read more →
Do you recognize your identity? Or rather, do you know your identity in Christ? These are certainly difficult but important questions. Your identity determines who you are, which involves many... read more →
Only you and God know your secret. Choosing to do the right thing, regardless of who is around or if no one is around, is about our integrity. Have we... read more →
Have we based our relationship with God on feeling? Do we understand that we should not seek only the feeling? Today, I would like us to talk a little about... read more →
Have we given due importance to the Word of God? Has the Lord been a priority in our lives? Or do we leave to have a moment with God only... read more →