Next Monday, I will complete a year in which I have firmly established myself in the ways of the Lord. Since then, I wanted to know him as intensely as... read more →
Certainly, one of the things I love the most. And what less should. It is debating biblical questions in discussions that will lead nowhere and no growth of my faith.... read more →
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jer 29:13 - KJV) This verse from the book of the prophet... read more →
Despite my young age, I have had really good times with God. I see people delivering words daily. Others being healed and I witness a lot of actions of the... read more →
For many years, when I used to live in a church without being fully converted, I had a very wrong view of Adam. I confess. At that time, I saw... read more →
Hello my brother and sister in Christ Jesus! Has anyone ever said that you are radiant today? I hope you have woken up with a beautiful smile on your face... read more →