To what extent have we persevered in our life with God? When temptations come, do we give up or prevail? Do we fight or just give up and surrender to... read more →
Do we really trust God? Have we put our whole life in His hands? Or have we been trying to take control of things and wanting to do it our... read more →
I would like to bring a reflection to all of us in this moment of quarantine! Have we loved everyone around us the right way? As many people are staying... read more →
We know many things we can to do to please our God! But do we have the real understanding of who He is? Do we know His characteristics? Do we... read more →
Even though many are in social isolation at the moment, we are hardly ever in silence. We are always listening to music, radio, some podcast, we leave the TV on... read more →
Aunque muchos se encuentran en aislamiento social en este momento, apenas guardamos silencio. Siempre estamos escuchando música, radio, algún podcast, dejamos la televisión encendida incluso para escuchar la predicación mientras... read more →
Hello, dear brothers and sisters! In today's post we are going to talk about some super cool and very useful features on the Bible Offline app for your Bible studies.... read more →
Are we aligned with God's heart? What have we asked for Him? Do our requests match His will for us? This week I made some requests for God and I... read more →
Our Wednesday texts are mostly informative or tips. However, God spoke to my heart in a very strong way and I couldn't let it pass. In today's text I will... read more →
Where is our trust? Who or what have we placed our faith in? Where have our expectations taken us? We tend to trust ourselves, our plans or the people around... read more →