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Back to the original position

Back to the original position

Despite my young age, I have had really good times with God. I see people delivering words daily. Others being healed and I witness a lot of actions of the Holy Spirit in our society.

I believe I come day after day understanding my place in all this and striving to be a “approved worker” for God. The biggest problem in the meantime is that I am a man. Sometimes I do not do what I think I should. Which is keeping me focused every day on prayer, reading and fasting.

Today we will not have an in-depth study. But I would like to talk about something important that we put aside sometimes.
By being fully connected with God and striving to do what He has delegated to us, we leave aside something very important: our original position.

I am sure that God is greatly pleased to see people being healed and impacting lives around them. But with so much work, we sometimes forget that we have only one purpose. That is to be like Jesus Christ. Just as we have only one function as well, which is to worship God in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has how come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. (24) God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth “

Two Ways of Worship

When Jesus said this, it was meant to close a division among the Jews. Some felt that true worship should be done in the temple, while others felt that they should do it on a mountain where they were in the habit of going.

Jesus makes it clear that what matters is not the place. Bringing us to this day, we should not just be in church singing chants to show Him that we love Him.
On the contrary, true worship is shown through the attitude we have and the motivation of our heart for it. God values ​​our effort to lead a righteous life and according to His ways, which are holy and perfect.

Striving to be like Jesus and struggling constantly not to give in to the passions of this world, you are already worshiping in a true way that the Lord pleases.
Then no. You don’t necessarily have to raise patients with wheelchairs. And you don’t even need to cry with your arms raised in worship to show true worship. Just return to the original position, which is to live in a holy way, as Jesus Christ did.

May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus be with all the brethren, that they may lead a life as God ordains, being true worshipers at all times! Amen!


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