"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances."Ezekiel 36:26-27 We have... read more →
Still in our series on identity, I want to talk about another part of shaping who we are. This time I want to emphasize that, in addition to the biological family, we are invited to be part of God's family! From origin to stoning The dictionary brings as one of... read more →
I would like to start by asking you a question: what have you been doing with the talents the Lord has given you? Maybe at that moment you're thinking that He didn't give you any talent, that you don't have any gifts or anything like that. For a long time... read more →
As Christians, the greatest mission that Jesus left us is very clear: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I... read more →
Today, in our last text of the series "Miracles of Jesus", I want to talk about the multiplication of loaves and fish. The passage in Mark 8 begins with Jesus speaking to the disciples about the great crowd that had not eaten for 3 days, asking them to have mercy... read more →
We can often feel small and think that what we have to offer to God is little and insufficient. But remember that Lazarus received new life when he died, when he could no longer offer anything to God, it was at that moment when the Father resurrected him and acted... read more →
For the penultimate miracle in this series I chose the story of the man whose hand was withered and Jesus healed him. This was yet another healing that Jesus performed on Saturday, a day when non-emergency medical assistance was not allowed. But He always put the human need and the... read more →
The word influence, these days has been used a lot. Influencing has even become a profession. But do you know the meaning of that word? "In" is a prefix that brings the sense from within. And fluency comes from the word to flow, therefore, in short, it means to flow... read more →
Today I brought you a thought about the miracle of healing the paralytic for our series of miracles of Jesus. We can often see this story focusing on one person and how Jesus restored his ability to walk, but I want to encourage you to look beyond that. The story... read more →
Sometimes we feel in our lives that we don't have anywhere to go or we don't know what to do regarding ministerial, professional, family and personal issues. Probably in the face of some important decision, you spent a few days reflecting on one of these questions: What is my vocation?... read more →