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Your hope in the right place

Your hope in the right place

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope”

Lamentations 3:21

Often what we can see is only chaos and darkness. Today, it seems that we can only look at what is in front of our eyes, which is the confusion and concern of a pandemic that has been plaguing us. Closed schools, markets with food shortages, more and more cases of infected people every day and many other factors that have contributed to everyone being worried and desperate in the face of this atypical situation in which we are living.

But the Bible teaches us to place our hope in the Lord! Putting our eyes on Him and not on the circumstances.

An unusual moment

This is an unusual moment for us, but from everything we live we can learn great lessons. The biggest recommendation of health professionals is to stay in quarantine and not leave the house so that there is a decrease in the number of people infected. This situation has taught us to think collectively, as it is something that the whole world is living together.

We have had to take care of our parents, grandparents and family. Ensure the health of everyone in our home. And the Word really teaches us that our practice of our faith begins with our family.

“But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.”

Timothy 5: 4

Look from a new perspective

Jesus invites us to look in the same way that He sees things: from the perspective from above and not from a place of despair, confusion and fear. May our eyes be invaded with the hope of heaven. May our eyes be transformed as we contemplate Him and may we not allow the stormy days to lead us to discredit the good days to come.

The world is in a state of public calamity, many are losing hope but this is not the time to despair. But to remember that the Lord is for us and that is why we place our hope in Him. Because He lives, we can believe in tomorrow, there is no fear, trust in Him and we do not forget that our life is in the hands of Jesus who is alive.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:17-18

This is the time to find our Hope and put it in the right place, which is in Jesus. We do not have total control in the face of this epidemic that we are facing, but we can do our part: bring to memory the One who brings us hope and stay at home as a way of loving others and caring for our society.

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