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Why make much ado about nothing?

Why make much ado about nothing?

It’s easy to see children making “scenes” that seem unnecessary to their elders. When they are little because they don’t want to eat, sleep or wear something, when they grow up a little more it’s because a friend turned his face away or got a lower grade than expected, but here’s the real point of this text, even adults thinking that none of this is necessary, sometimes we do the same or worse.

We turn a simple situation into something much bigger than it should be, and this is a theme that touches on another aspect of human character, because it involves lack of patience, fear, insecurity, despair, lack of conviction in what God is doing, and so on. However, I believe that there are two the most striking aspects of this expression and in them are fear and lack of understanding.


Didn’t I command you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

As we have already written here fear is not always bad, it was created and is in us also as a warning of danger, but when it hinders us and causes harm, then it is no longer healthy. In fear is found insecurity and lack of trust in God. When we are not secure and don’t know who is on our side, then we are soon affected in an uncontrolled way, self-control is gone and what remains is despair.

When we are desperate we act on impulse, which makes it difficult to make good decisions and consequently makes things worse. It is at this point that we understand the importance of self-control so talked about in the scriptures and more than that in trusting God. When you are afraid, do you pray and look for wise answers or do you just go around doing whatever you want?

Sometimes it is not at all easy to think rationally when we are afraid, but acting out of “the flesh” in the most figurative sense possible can bring far worse consequences.

The lack of understanding

He who is longsuffering is great in understanding, but he who is hasty exalts folly.

Proverbs 14:29

This characteristic is sometimes a consequence of fear, after all when we are disappointed we easily put our fears, insecurities and worries above that of others. But let’s see, if we want to have self-control and patience, it is past time to understand that everyone goes through bad days, including those when we argue or lose patience.

When we understand that the world is not about us, this changes somewhat the way we relate to people. Maybe you’ve already been in a situation like: “Oh, that person wasn’t so nice to me” and maybe it even ruined your day, but let’s see, maybe the person’s lack of charisma had nothing to do with you, it was just that you weren’t having a good day.

There is no justification for being rude, but when you find yourself in a situation like this, stop and think: “what would Jesus do?” He has mercy on you daily, even though He is perfect, so why do you, in your imperfections, feel entitled to get upset instead of facing the situation as an adult? May our prayers be for self-control and understanding to be more present in our lives.


Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store in barns, yet their heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you much more valuable than they are?

Matthew 6:26

Our despair is not always about the other, but about our lack of trust in God when we go through a delicate situation. So I want to remind you, do your best and let God take care of what you can’t do. You are a beloved child and our God takes care even of the little birds, for He is love.

God bless you!

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